Course owners and managers,
if you learn only one thing from this web site, it should be this:
I want to fundamentally change the way the golf course
photography business is conducted. Specifically:
No course should ever again pay for photography unless the new photographs they receive are significantly better than the photographs they already own.
That may sound at first like a radical idea, but it’s not. It simply means that golf course photography should be treated just like you have always treated every other tangible product you’ve ever purchased. You don’t pay for your new golf carts if they won’t run; you don’t pay for your pro shop merchandise if it’s broken, torn, misprinted, or not what you ordered; you don’t pay for food if it arrives moldy.
Yet, most courses have historically viewed photography as a service, not a product, and have not held photographers to the same standards they insist upon for all other vendors. As a result, countless photographers -- better at promising results than at delivering them -- have taken millions of dollars from thousands of golf courses while providing nothing of value in return.
That should stop.
Myth: All golf course photography is basically the same.
Reality: Average or poor photography is worse than no photography at all. A course’s own advertising, unless eye-catching; can become a major factor convincing some potential clients to play elsewhere.
Myth: Our course can’t afford exceptional photography.
Reality: Exceptional photography sells tee times and it sells outings. Additional rounds played means increased sales of beverages, food, clothing, equipment, logo items, and lodging. The truth is that exceptional photography always pays for itself – usually in a season or less.
Myth: Course photography can be adequately accomplished by amateur photographers or by family, friends or employees.
Reality: That’s nearly impossible. Exceptional images require expensive and highly specialized equipment and an experienced golf course photographer capable of taking maximum advantage of that equipment. In addition, exceptional images are only possible in certain light conditions, and the difference between great light and ordinary light is often subtle and not visible to the untrained eye.
As a golf course photographer for over 35 years, I have the knowledge and the experience to recognize exactly which lighting conditions will make any particular course look its very best. Unlike most other photographers, I work only when the light is suitable for producing those exceptional images.
That’s why I offer this simple guarantee:
If I don't deliver exceptional images, -- images which are
significantly better than those you currently use -- you don't pay.
Before anyone else gets your photography business, ask them first if they will match that guarantee.
Click here to view or download a PDF version of this guarantee